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First Year Writing Program

Our Values & Objectives

The 九色视频 Writing Program & Center values the concepts of care, consideration, confidence, and competence in the teaching and learning of writing. These concepts align to the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in our first year writing courses where students will: 

  • Encounter different types of texts in order to enter and participate in academic conversations and understand arguments that utilize multiple, opposing perspectives, views, and ideas; 
  • Develop textual habits that include summarizing, analyzing, and reflecting on course readings, as well as locating and evaluating objects of study; 
  • Compose texts that demonstrate an awareness of discourse community and of how discourse functions within a rhetorical context; 
  • Practice self- and peer-assessment approaches to provide robust, critical feedback and make a targeted revision plan;
  • Recognize and practice the appropriate stylistic and grammatical conventions in specific contexts; and 
  • Articulate, through reflection, the ways in which the habits and skills learned in these courses will be taken up in other courses and contexts.

First Year Writing Courses

ENC 1101: Writing for Audience and Purpose

ENC 1101 is the first writing course students will take. This course will introduce students to common textual issues surrounding evidence-based writing, genre conventions, and citation style considerations to prepare them for the different kinds of texts they will encounter in upper-level academic courses as well as professional settings. 

Specifically, students in ENC 1101 will: 

  • Identify and describe primary and subsequent audiences; 
  • Define and write for rhetorical situations in a variety of texts; 
  • Examine and write for academic and non-academic purposes and contexts; 
  • Compose error-free and stylistically clear documents; and 
  • Engage in peer review for the purpose of developing revision practices. 

IDS 1932: Interdisciplinary Writing Seminar

This course blends topics, issues, and knowledge from two or more disciplines, including Writing Studies. Previous IDS 1932 topics include: Post-Apocalyptic Literature, Mindful Teaching/Learning, What is Health/Illness?, Conspiracy and Pop Culture, and Environmental Sustainability. 

By the end of the course, IDS 1932 students will: 

  • Differentiate formal features in academic and non-academic texts;
  • Identify and use genre-appropriate source materials;
  • Cite sources in line with style conventions; 
  • Compose error-free and stylistically clear documents; and 
  • Engage in peer review for the purpose of developing revision practices.