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Cascade CMS
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Advanced Block

Blocks are content that can appear on multiple pages. These blocks can be used to create side menus, banners, social media feeds and more.

When building content on your site, you may find the need to have content appear on multiple pages. With the Advanced Block Tier, you can add this content to multiple Advanced Layout pages.

  1. Select Add Content from the editor's screen, choose the Block Types folder and select Advanced Block.
  2. A Tier will be shown in the WYSIWYG editor, pick a Tier Type. Add the content you want to be sharable and Submit the block.
  3. Attach this block to a new tier of an advanced page by using the Shared Advanced Block type. 

Image Block


The full width image block adds the ability to showcase a hero-type image.

keyboard with cascade cms and top menu

Creating an Image Banner:

  1. Select Add Content from editor's screen, select Block Types, then select Banner Block.
  2. Select image(s) that you would like to use.
  3. Resize image(s) prior to putting them in Cascade, 1600px is the recommended width.
    • Image will be responsive meaning the size of the image will also change proportionally as the screen size changes.
  4. Attach banner to Banner Region at the top of your page.
  5. If applicable, a link can be added to the image as well as a text block.

Additional Banner Options

Adaptive Images: If you want to customize the size and design of you images on smaller devices, you can use the medium and small photo options. 

Captions: Cascade allows you to add captions. There are several options of the placement of the text. 

caption options

Links: If you have a image with text, you can add a link to make it clickable.

Side Block

Creating a Side Column:

  1. From your editor screen, select Add Content, then block.
  2. Choose Side Block as your Block Type.
  3. Create your side block content.

Attaching Side Column to a Page:

  1. Select Two Column option as your Layout. Then select the Right side.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of page to edit.
  3. Select source option.
    1. In-Page: Edit side column below in WYSIWYG editor.
    2. Shared: Attach a block to page.
    3. List: Attach a list type, e.g. Handbook.

Social Feed Block

Creating a Social Feed:

  1. Select Add Content from editor's screen, select Block Types, then select Social Feed Block.
  2. Select the image(s) that you would like to use.
  3. Resize image(s) prior to putting them in Cascade, 640px by 640px is the recommended size.
  4. Add each image, link, and any other content to the Social Feed block and submit the block when done.
  5. Attach the block to a Social Media section on any Advanced Layout page.