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Academic and Student Affairs

Promotion and Tenure Calendar 2024-25

Promotion & Tenure Process Date

Candidate notifies Department Chair that they intend to apply for promotion / tenure.

Candidate requests an Interfolio case after notifying their chair.

Promotion eligibility and process are outlined in the CBA:

  • Article 20: Tenure
  • Article 21: Promotions for Tenure-Earning and Tenured Faculty
  • Article 23: Promotions for Instructors and Lecturers
  • Article 24: Promotions for Clinical Faculty
By April 15, 2024
For cases requiring external reviews: candidate forwards a list of 5-7 potential external reviewers to Department Chair. Chair finalizes the list of external reviewers for each candidate. Recommended: By mid-June 2024

Candidate completes “Initial Submission” section of case so chair can share materials with external reviewers. 

Department Chair advises candidates and monitors external review process.

Recommended: June through September 1, 2024

Department Chair invites optional letters of recommendation from department faculty.

Department Chair finalizes department promotion and tenure committees as outlined in the CBA.
Recommended: By September 1, 2024
Candidate submits Interfolio case. No new material can be added to the case except as outlined in the CBA. By September 20, 2024

External reviews and department letters are uploaded by Department Chair. Department letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

*If the candidate elects not to respond to department letters, the case may be sent forward to the department committee at this time.
By September 27, 2024
Candidate submits optional written response to department letters. By October 3, 2024

Department Promotion Committee review period.

Department Committee’s letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.
October 4 – 18, 2024
Candidate submits optional written response to department committee letter. By October 25, 2024

Department Chair review period.

For instructor/lecturer candidates: Department Chair conducts a vote of department faculty for or against promotion as outlined in CBA 23.7(b)(2).

Department Chair’s letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

Department Chair meets with candidates to discuss Chair and Department Committee letters.

October 28 – November 15, 2024

Candidate submits optional written response to Department Chair letter.

Department Chair letter is shared with Department Committee Chair, who shares the letter with committee members.

By November 22, 2024

Dean review period.

Dean’s letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

November 25, 2024 – January 7, 2025

Dean meets with Department Chair and Department Committee if recommendations are different.

Dean meets with candidate upon written request.

Dean letter is shared with Department Chair and Department Committee Chair, who shares the letter with committee members.

By December 9, 2024

Provost meets with UFF President to discuss charge to university committees.

By December 20, 2024

Candidate submits optional written response to Dean letter.

Provost meets with Dean, Department Chair, and Department Committee to discuss cases if recommendations are different.

Provost charges University Committees.

Withdrawal deadline (tenure candidates only): “a candidate for tenure who is not yet in their sixth year of tenure-earning service, including any credited service toward tenure, may withdraw, without prejudice, at any stage in the tenure process before the Dean's recommendation is forwarded to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.” (CBA 20.11)

By January 14, 2025

University Promotion & Tenure Committee and University Instructor/Lecturer Committee review period.

University Committee’s letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

January 15 – February 7, 2025

Candidate submits optional written response to university committee letter.

University Committees meet with the Provost.

By February 14, 2025

Provost review period.

Provost’s draft letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

February 17 – March 14, 2025

Candidate submits optional written response to Provost’s draft letter.

By March 25, 2025

Provost’s final letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

By March 31, 2025

Candidate submits optional written response to Provost’s final letter.

Provost letter is shared with Dean, Department Chair, and chairs of University & Department Committees, who share the letter with committee members.

Withdrawal deadline (promotion candidates only): “A candidate for promotion may withdraw, without prejudice, at any stage in the process before March 15 or before the Provost submits their final assessment and recommendation to the President, whichever is later.” (CBA 21.9)

By April 7, 2025

President review period.

President’s letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

President letter is shared with Provost, Dean, Department Chair, and chairs of University & Department Committees, who share the letter with committee members.

 April 8 – 29, 2025

Tenure cases only: Candidate submits optional written response to the President's letter.

By May 6, 2025

Provost provides annual P&T report to Faculty Association and UFF.


Board of Trustees awards tenure. Tenure award letters are shared with candidates in Interfolio.

Letters will be distributed following June 2025 BOT meeting